Wednesday, April 30, 2008



I am taking the liberty of Sharing with you a Journal of some of the challenges and thinking of the author, TD Jakes, in his challenging book, Reposition Yourself--Life Without Limits . I will do this every two or three days. There is much food for thought here.!!


You cannot base your life on the so-called odds of your demographics, no
matter how specific, accurate, or inclusive they may be. Numbers can al-
ways be manipulated to support, refute, or justify most any position.
The key is that you do not allow others perceptions and probabilites to de-
define and decide you destiny. You are the one who controls the
ultimate odds against you own likelihood of success.


Wavecritter said...

Alone....such a solitary notion, never a happy thought, especially if you have a great team like Dorothy and My VM Team! What a blessing

Wavecritter said...

I agree, don't ever let anyone decide for you! You are driven to do something...and it is not to be exactly the same as everyone else

Kurt Mitchell said...

"You are the one who controls the
ultimate odds against you own likelihood of success." How true....

Anonymous said...

I have always believed the only destiny one has is the one you create yourself.

Google Me said...

There are no odds to success. This is God given. I totally agree with you Dorothy and I am glad that you are a part of our family.

mike jackson said...

Nice article Dorthy I have always believed you are what you make yourself.

Anonymous said...

Dorothy Lanman... you continue to inspire me everyday!

Check out My VM Team on Squidoo at and please add this link to your favorite blog link list.

Thanks! Scott OBrien - "Google Me"

Doug said...

TD Jakes is one of my most favorite pastors. He is giving the black community the real deal that many young men need to here in the prisons. I was bless to grow up in a Christian family but not everyone gets that opportunity. Many young black men dont many of my friends did not. TD Jakes is reaching out to them and making a difference. Prision is a bad place I have never been there but I have friends and family that have it is one of the thing that needs to be fixed in our society and TD Jakes is making a differance.

Marilyn Swanson said...

Food for thought! Thanks Dorothy.

Marilyn Swanson - Google Me

Wavecritter said...

"Everyone does indeed have a part to play, a role if you will" Standing together to gain ground is much better than going it alone :)

askGerhard-Kaiser said...

Same in Germany: government has intervened and produced many of our delemas, and now they have made the lower income groups so dependent on them they find it almost impossible to function on their own.
Gerhard Kaiser - Google me

mike jackson said...

you have to selfsuffcient in this world,and you have to go get what you want in life.You can reach your goals if you try hard enough and really want it.

Unknown said...

Dorothy thank you for sharing. You are a true inspiration. Also, I think TD Jakes is the BOMB!!!!

Much Love,
Miss Julia

Ask Carole Percifield said...

It is true - there are 2 sides to every story. It is truly wonderful when the people and Government work together. Not to be lop sided on either side.