Saturday, March 22, 2008
Let us give thanks and meditate on
what that really means to us daily.
If Christ be not risen, your faith is in vain.
If in this life Only we have Hope in Christ,
we are of all men most miserable.
From the Dead!
Labels: Dorothy Lanman, Google Dorothy Lanman,; Christ,love.
Friday, March 21, 2008
I am taking the liberty of Sharing with you a Journal of some of the challenges and thinking of the author, TD Jakes, in his challenging book, Reposition Yourself--Life Without Limits . I will do this every two or three days. There is much food for thought here.!!
DO-over VS. Make-Over
"These characteristics" (of failing to confront our situation with an attempt to improve ) " exist in all of us....they are the voice of reason that we often Muzzle rather than Listen to.
You can't have a DO-over but you can Reposition yourself and have a Make-over. It
doesn't involve plastic surgery, a radical diet, or a new wardrobe, although by the time your done you may be inspired to do all these! No the kind of Make-over I describe in these pages that follow involve throwing off the Shackles of your Addiction to Apathy and embracing tools needed to Reposition yourself for a life of Freedom and enrichment.
If this feels selfish or self absorbed to you, then realize how many other lives
are affected by your WELL BEING!"
Check out for more info on Dorothy and how to get to the top of Google:http://www.googledorothylanmantoday.comDorothy Lanman
Posted by Dorothy Lanman 0 comments
Labels: Ask Dorothy Lanman, blinded believer, Dorothy Lanman, Google Me Today, TD Jakes, You Heard It Here
YOU HEARD IT HERE!I am taking the liberty of Sharing with you a Journal of some ofthe challenges and thinking of the author, TD Jakes, in hischallenging book, Reposition Yourself--Life Without Limits . I will do this every two or three days. There is much food forthought here.!!Blinded Believer - Aren't you Tired of SLOP?
He writes - "Your addiction to apathy has starved you spiritually, seeking to fill the place only God can nourish with material items--expensive clothes, new cars, and other toys. If you truly want to break through your addiction to MEDIOCRITY, your recovery must be spiritual.
....Then it's time to Fight to get your Life back. .... God will guide you, but only you can take the FIRST STEP on the exciting journey known as THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Aren't you tired of the Slop for which you've been settling? You may have squandered your resources so far, BUT God delights in providing His children with what they need when they Rely on HIM.
As troubled and disturbed as you are.... you know that something has to Give." Are You Ready? As the voices fade, you whisper, "I'm Ready."Check out for more info on Dorothy and how to get to thetop of Google:http://www.googledorothylanmantoday.comDorothy Lanman
Posted by Dorothy Lanman 2 comments
Labels: Ask Dorothy Lanman, blinded believer, Dorothy Lanman, Google Me Today, TD Jakes, You Heard It Here
Friday, March 14, 2008
I am taking the liberty of Sharing with you a Journal of some ofthe challenges and thinking of the author, TD Jakes, in hischallenging book, Reposition Yourself--Life Without Limits . I will do this every two or three days. There is much food forthought here.!!
Blinded Believer - Aren't you Tired of SLOP?
He writes - "Your addiction to apathy has starved you spiritually, seeking to fill the place only God can nourish with material items--expensive clothes, new cars, and other toys. If you truly want to break through your addiction to MEDIOCRITY, your recovery must be spiritual.
....Then it's time to Fight to get your Life back. .... God will guide you, but only you can take the FIRST STEP on the exciting journey known as THE REST OF YOUR LIFE. Aren't you tired of the Slop for which you've been settling? You may have squandered your resources so far, BUT God delights in providing His children with what they need when they Rely on HIM.
As troubled and disturbed as you are.... you know that something has to Give." Are You Ready? As the voices fade, you whisper, "I'm Ready."
Check out for more info on Dorothy and how to get to the
top of Google:
Dorothy Lanman
Thursday, March 13, 2008
the challenges and thinking of the author, TD Jakes, in his
challenging book, Reposition Yourself--Life Without Limits . I
will do this every two or three days. There is much food for
thought here.!!
Intervention of LOVE is Stronger than Debt, Divorce,
Depression, or Adversity or any other OBSTACLE.
"Interventions can be extremely effective in helping
addicts.. (of all kinds).. accept help. When conducted
in a spirit of love and encouragement, the intervenion
can save the life of the addict and reawaken them to
a world filled with opportunities for health and wellness.
It is simply amazing how love can win out over obsessions, addiction, and adversities. Love can be a tremendous deterrent to destructive behavior; it gives the individual the support they need to change their lives."
Friends convening as a group to Support them "but more accurately silently enabling them.." Friends
Confronting for loves sake! "ARE YOU READY:".
Dorothy Lanman
Saturday, March 8, 2008
I am taking the liberty of sharing with you a journal of some of the chall-
enges and thinking of the author, T.D Jakes, in his challenging book,
Reposition Yourself -- Life Without Limits. I will do this every two or
three days. There is much food for thought here.
"The sad memories of lost opportunities have made many
people bitter the rest of their lives. ….the feeling that if
they had lunged farther, or pushed harder, they might have
been holding the golden cup of victory as opposed to the
bottled water of defeat.
Most of us do not want to wander aimlessly, taking life as
it comes. There are things in our lives that limit us. You
can only correct what you are willing to confront. Now, I
have to admit, confrontation isn’t always something that I
enjoy. But I have learned over the years to say what has to
be said and face what has to be faced."
Dorothy Lanman Google Me
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Field to Factory - The Emancipation Proclamation! - Change has been accomplished!
"....Today we have seen considerable change, as evidenced by the likes of Terdema Ussery, Senator Barrack Obama ...Secretary of State Condoleeza Denzel Washington. But there is still work to be done...... .There is a dichotomy at play in our community: two seemingly opposing mind-sets.
Debate what is needed to secure a future of prosperity and success for the black community. One mind-set is represented by leaders such as scholar, author and critic Michael Eric Dyson; the other by iconic entertainer and champion of education
Bill Cosby. ......We must lay aside the distracting dialogues of the debate teams and invest ourselves in what we can do, step-by-step and day by day. Our own bickering often assassinates the progress we claim to promote." We must honor the faithful investments of our ancestors with ownership of our abilities and utilization of our capabilities
Please Check out for more info on Dorothy and how to get to the top of Google:
Dorothy Lanman
Monday, March 3, 2008
challenges and thinking of the author, T.D Jakes, in his challenging
book, Life Without Limits - Reposition Yourself. I will do this
every two or three day. There is much food for thought here.
Journal- March 3, 2008.
"God blesses His people--all of us. Faith is the substance of what-
ever it is that we hope for. The important thing is that we teach that
faith is connected to good works and responsibility. Otherwise, when
we teach that faith is all that is necessary, we teach a belief in Magic.
Isn’t it time for you to direct your hope toward building your dreams
instead of waiting on your dreams to build themselves? As we look
at various areas of your life, If you’re willing to Reposition Yourself,
then truly THE SKY IS THE LIMIT!"
Can You Say, Google Me Today?
Please Google Dorothy Lanman Today