Wednesday, March 5, 2008


I am taking the liberty of sharing with you a journal of some of the challenges and thinking of the author, T.D Jakes, in his challenging book, Reposition Yourself -- Life Without Limits. I will do this every two or three days. There is much food for thought here.

Field to Factory - The Emancipation Proclamation! - Change has been accomplished!

"....Today we have seen considerable change, as evidenced by the likes of Terdema Ussery, Senator Barrack Obama ...Secretary of State Condoleeza Denzel Washington. But there is still work to be done...... .There is a dichotomy at play in our community: two seemingly opposing mind-sets.

Debate what is needed to secure a future of prosperity and success for the black community. One mind-set is represented by leaders such as scholar, author and critic Michael Eric Dyson; the other by iconic entertainer and champion of education

Bill Cosby. ......We must lay aside the distracting dialogues of the debate teams and invest ourselves in what we can do, step-by-step and day by day. Our own bickering often assassinates the progress we claim to promote." We must honor the faithful investments of our ancestors with ownership of our abilities and utilization of our capabilities

Please Check out for more info on Dorothy and how to get to the top of Google:
Dorothy Lanman


Wavecritter said...

"Our own bickering often assassinates theprogress we claim to promote." This is so true in every aspect of this wonderful life Thanks Dorothy! :)

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post Dorothy. I have always tried to push past my limits and hopefully have taught my kids to do that as well. There is nothing worse than a life full of regrets.